I have some problem with received sound (UDP WiFi) and I want clear it as much as I can. So at start I want cut off sounds above some frequency. Clearly I got raw data from socket, then I copy it to output buffer. I'm sure that exact cut off should be done right there.
Could You suggest me?
My current callback code
static OSStatus outputCallback(void *udata,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *flags,
const AudioTimeStamp *ts,
UInt32 busnum,
UInt32 nframes,
AudioBufferList *buflist) {
NXAudioDevice *dev = (__bridge NXAudioDevice *) udata;
AudioBuffer *buf = buflist->mBuffers;
// Here I get new audioBufferData
NSData *data = [dev getAudioData];
if (!data) {
buf->mDataByteSize = 0;
return -1;
} else {
[data getBytes:buf->mData length:buf->mDataByteSize];
return noErr;
I found something like this for render callback, atm I want add something similar for outputCallback.
OSStatus RenderFFTCallback (void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData)
RIOInterface* THIS = (RIOInterface *)inRefCon;
void *dataBuffer = THIS->dataBuffer;
float *outputBuffer = THIS->outputBuffer;
FFTSetup fftSetup = THIS->fftSetup;
uint32_t log2n = THIS->log2n;
uint32_t n = THIS->n;
uint32_t nOver2 = THIS->nOver2;
uint32_t stride = 1;
int bufferCapacity = THIS->bufferCapacity;
SInt16 index = THIS->index;
AudioUnit rioUnit = THIS->ioUnit;
OSStatus renderErr;
UInt32 bus1 = 1;
renderErr = AudioUnitRender(rioUnit, ioActionFlags,
inTimeStamp, bus1, inNumberFrames, THIS->bufferList);
if (renderErr < 0) {
return renderErr;
// Fill the buffer with our sampled data. If we fill our buffer, run the
// fft.
int read = bufferCapacity - index;
if (read > inNumberFrames) {
memcpy((SInt16 *)dataBuffer + index, THIS->bufferList->mBuffers[0].mData, inNumberFrames*sizeof(SInt16));
THIS->index += inNumberFrames;
} else {
// If we enter this conditional, our buffer will be filled and we should
// perform the FFT.
memcpy((SInt16 *)dataBuffer + index, THIS->bufferList->mBuffers[0].mData, read*sizeof(SInt16));
// Reset the index.
THIS->index = 0;
/*************** FFT ***************/
// We want to deal with only floating point values here.
ConvertInt16ToFloat(THIS, dataBuffer, outputBuffer, bufferCapacity);
Look at the real signal as an interleaved complex vector by casting it.
Then call the transformation function vDSP_ctoz to get a split complex
vector, which for a real signal, divides into an even-odd configuration.
vDSP_ctoz((COMPLEX*)outputBuffer, 2, &A, 1, nOver2);
// Carry out a Forward FFT transform.
vDSP_fft_zrip(fftSetup, &A, stride, log2n, FFT_FORWARD);
// The output signal is now in a split real form. Use the vDSP_ztoc to get
// a split real vector.
vDSP_ztoc(&A, 1, (COMPLEX *)outputBuffer, 2, nOver2);
// Determine the dominant frequency by taking the magnitude squared and
// saving the bin which it resides in.
float dominantFrequency = 0;
int bin = -1;
for (int i=0; i<n; i+=2) {
float curFreq = MagnitudeSquared(outputBuffer[i], outputBuffer[i+1]);
if (curFreq > dominantFrequency) {
dominantFrequency = curFreq;
bin = (i+1)/2;
memset(outputBuffer, 0, n*sizeof(SInt16));
// Update the UI with our newly acquired frequency value.
[THIS->listener frequencyChangedWithValue:bin*(THIS->sampleRate/bufferCapacity)];
printf("Dominant frequency: %f bin: %d \n", bin*(THIS->sampleRate/bufferCapacity), bin);
return noErr;
You can use AudioUnit to do this:
That is not as easy as it may seem. One approach would be to use a FFT to move the data into the frequency domain, remove the high frequencies and then move back to the time domain with a reverse FFT. There are FFT functions available in iOS. See Using Fourier Transforms vDSP Programming Guide.
One starting point is Apple's sample code aurioTouch2.
In answer to a comment: A byte does not have a frequency, just an amplitude (loudness). Basically there are amplitude samples at a periodic rate such as 44100Hz. A naive approach to lowpass audio would be to remove every other sample but that does not work, it just aliases the higher frequencies into lower frequencies.