I want to run a Django application in PyCharm which works on MySQL DB.
I am unable to connect my program to the database.
When I am trying to install MySQLclient or MySQL-python I am getting the error:
Failed building wheel for MySQLclient
Please help me out in connecting my Django program with MySQL database.
I had the same problem. I then uninstalled my python. Downloaded the python 3.6.5. then used a command from
Python 3.7, Failed building wheel for MySql-Python
the command is
pip install mysqlclient==1.3.12
Please try installing the .whl file from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/. This works every time. Just type
pip install MySQL_python‑1.2.5‑cp27‑none‑win32.whl
in the terminal.Original Answer
I had the same issue. You might find these steps helpful.
pip list
in the terminal to see what you have installed in the virtualenv. It should have wheel, setuptools and pip.pip install mysqlclient==1.3.9
or whatever version you want to install. This needs to happen before you install django.If these steps didn't work out for you, try installing MySQL-Python through the executable file here https://pypi.python.org/pypi/MySQL-python/1.2.5.
But this will only install mysql-python for you in the system. You can try
pip list
outside virtualenv to see if mysql-python is installed. If it is installed, then you have update this post so we can figure out a solution.In the meantime some other fixes are: