I'm having trouble moving a FirebaseObjectObservable into a FirebaseListObservable.
af: AngularFire,
private cs: ContactsService,
public modalCtrl: ModalController
) {
// Getting Friends
this.friends = af.database.list('/userFriends/jvi1cjPwddPomjEDNwv3VihskOX2/')
return friends.map((friend) => {
friend = af.database.object('/users/'+friend.$key);
return friend;
When I log it to the console. I end up with an array of FirebaseObjectObservables. How can I move this into a FirebaseListObservable so that I can use the async pipe to render the objects.
My html template looks like:
*ngFor='let friend of friends | async'
Any help is greatly appreciated :)
I was able to solve my question. It was a matter of changing my async pipe inside my list. So it now looks like this.
*ngFor='let friend of friends | async'
[user]="(friend | async)"></contact-item>
Not sure if that's the correct practice though.