I am trying to connect to RabbitMQ over SSL. I have followed the RabbitMQ SSL documentation linked here https://www.rabbitmq.com/ssl.html As per RabbitMQ SSL documentation connecting using SSLv3 and TLSv1 is not recommeded due to known vulnerabilities. Due to this I have disabled these protocols on RabbitMQ as per instructions.
I am using spring-amqp 1.4.3 to connect to RabbitMQ. Plese find below code snippet
ApplicationContext context =
new GenericXmlApplicationContext("classpath:/testConfig/testrabbit-context.xml");
RabbitTemplate template = context.getBean(RabbitTemplate.class);
MessageProperties messageProperties = new MessageProperties();
org.springframework.amqp.core.Message amqpMessage = new org.springframework.amqp.core.Message(
"Test".getBytes(), messageProperties);
String routingKey = "TEST.businessevent.route";
template.send(routingKey, amqpMessage);
Please find below my config
<rabbit:connection-factory id="rabbitConnectionFactory"
virtual-host="test_host" />
<rabbit:admin connection-factory="rabbitConnectionFactory" />
<rabbit:template id="rabbitTemplate"
connection-factory="rabbitConnectionFactory" exchange="test_topic" />
<rabbit:topic-exchange name="test_topic" durable="true" />
<bean id="clientConnectionFactory"
<property name="useSSL" value="true" />
<property name="sslPropertiesLocation" value="/testconfig/rabbitSSL.properties"/>
Properties file rabbitSSL.properties is as follows
However when I use the above code and config to connect to RabbitMQ over SSL I am getting a fatal alert: protocol_version. When I looked at the org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.RabbitConnectionFactoryBean class that Spring is using to connect to RabbitMQ, I can see that the protocol appears to be hard coded to SSLv3.
SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("SSLv3");
context.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
This code works fine if I do not disable SSLv3 on RabbitMQ. However I need to connect to RabbitMQ using Tlsv1.2. Can I do that using Spring amqp 1.4.3 or do I need to use another version. Thanks for any help you can provide me with this issue.
I have opened a JIRA Issue for this.
In the meantime, the
is just a convenience class to make configuring an underlying connection factory more "Spring friendly" with defaults.Instead, you can perform this initialization in your own code (perhaps using a
declaration using Java Configuration).