I recently started getting the error "Unexpected exception upon serializing continuation" on a spreadsheet Google Apps Script when trying to debug. The error seem to start after I created a connection to the Google CloudSQL api. This error still occurs even after commenting out the jdbc object constructor. It appears that others have had this issue and needed a Google Tech to resolve the issue.
I have searched all of the discussion boards for a solution to this issue with no luck. Any chance there is a Google tech out there who could take a look under the hood for me? I would post code if I could determine what line was actually triggering the error.
Ok, I think I have discovered where the error is occuring. Seems to be the
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url + nextPage,oauth_options);
in the while loop. Here is the entire function code.
function retrieveEvents(endTimeMinimum, updatedAfter, orderBy){
//var url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/' + source_cal + '/events?key=' + api_key + "&futureevents=true&orderBy=updated&sortOrder=descending&updatedMin=" + last_sync_date_formated;
//var url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/' + source_cal + '/events?key=' + api_key + "&orderBy=updated&sortOrder=descending&updatedMin=" + last_sync_date_formated;
var url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/' + source_cal + '/events?key=' + api_key + "&singleEvents=true";
if ((orderBy != null) && (orderBy != "")){
url += "&orderBy=" + orderBy;
else url += "&orderBy=updated";
if ((updatedAfter != null) && (updatedAfter != "")){
url += "&updatedMin=" + updatedAfter;
else url += "&updatedMin=" + last_sync_dateTime;
//if no endTimeMinimum is specified, the current time will be used.
if (endTimeMinimum == null || endTimeMinimum == ""){
endTimeMinimum = date_rfc339("Today");
url += "&timeMin=" + endTimeMinimum;
Logger.log("Request URL:" + url);
var largeString = "";
var events = new Array();
var nextPage = "";
var jsonObj
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url + nextPage,oauth_options);
largeString = response.getContentText();
if ((largeString != null) && (largeString != "")) {
jsonObj = JSON.parse(largeString);
if ('items' in jsonObj) events = events.concat(jsonObj.items);
if ('nextPageToken' in jsonObj){
nextPage = "&pageToken=" + jsonObj.nextPageToken;
if (events.length == 0)return null;
return events;
OK, so I was able to make the problem go away by removing the try catch block inside a function that was called from inside a try catch block in the main function. I no longer am seeing the "Unexpected exception upon serializing continuation" when running the program from the debugger.
I wish I had a more solid answer on what causes this error and how to correct it.
In my experience, this is not an error caused by that line (or any other) specifically, but because an error is triggered within a loop. I haven't pinned down the exact replicable cause, but GAS seems to lose the loop pointer certain errors.
The best I can suggest is that any line that you suspect to causing an error within the while loop wrap with a try-catch that logs the error to the logger and proceeds. The loop pointer is then not lost and will debug as expected.