Is it possible to attach an onclick method to the elements within a Google Visualization line chart? For example, if a user clicks on point within the chart I want to send the user to a page with more details. I've gone all through the documentation and can't find an example of how to do this.
I see that there are methods for events (from the documentation) but with no clear example it's not making much sense.
getSelection().column is not working, it return an "unknown" value. The issue was posted in the Google Visualization API bug reports page.
You can do this using a 'select' event, which will be triggered each time a user clicks on a point on the line chart. I've included a working example below, including the redirect with a couple of values. The Google code playground has a nice example of how to use event handlers on a table - the same type of functionality can be used across most of the visualizations.