I am trying to bind an Android PDF library in a Xamarin Android Binding project, but a unnecessary "override" modifier is added to a property:
public partial class ReaderView : global::Android.Widget.AdapterView, [...] {
// ...
public override unsafe global::Android.Widget.IAdapter Adapter {
// Metadata.xml XPath method reference: path="/api/package[@name='com.artifex.mupdfdemo']/class[@name='ReaderView']/method[@name='getAdapter' and count(parameter)=0]"
[Register ("getAdapter", "()Landroid/widget/Adapter;", "GetGetAdapterHandler")]
get {
// ...
// Metadata.xml XPath method reference: path="/api/package[@name='com.artifex.mupdfdemo']/class[@name='ReaderView']/method[@name='setAdapter' and count(parameter)=1 and parameter[1][@type='android.widget.Adapter']]"
[Register ("setAdapter", "(Landroid/widget/Adapter;)V", "GetSetAdapter_Landroid_widget_Adapter_Handler")]
set {
// ...
// ...
I didn't find anything about adding/removing modifiers like "override", or "virtual" in the documentation.
I tried this without success:
<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.artifex.mupdfdemo']/class[@name='ReaderView']/method[@name='getAdapter' and count(parameter)=0]" name="override">false</attr>
<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.artifex.mupdfdemo']/class[@name='ReaderView']/method[@name='setAdapter' and count(parameter)=1 and parameter[1][@type='android.widget.Adapter']]" name="override">false</attr>
Do you guys have any idea about how to do this?
Edit 1: The Java project is on GitHub: https://github.com/asimmon/MuPDF-for-Android and here is a direct link to the file ReaderView.java.
Edit 2: The Xamarin Binding Project is on GitHub too, you will find the Jar library: https://github.com/asimmon/MuPDF-for-Xamarin-Android
The solution is to modify the
of the method inMetadata.xml
:This effectively removes the
keyword from your method's signature.