I'm using MyBatis with second level cache activated via <cache/>
in xml mapper files.
Suppose I want to interact with the underlying DB/DataSource decoupled from MyBatis, for instance via direct jdbcTemplate.
How can I assure, that the MyBatis cache gets flushed appropriateley when I Insert/Update/Delete via jdbcTemplate on a table for that MyBatis holds cached query results.
In other words, how can I force MyBatis to flush its cache from outside of MyBatis mappers for certain cache namespace?
I'm aware of @Options(flushCache=true)
annotation, but this seems not to work outside of mapper interfaces.
Hi i have used another approach, because we used spring. Use autowire the Session implementation and call appropriate method
If I use interface org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession it refers to same instance
you can get cache from configuration and then get by namespace and clear it.