I have an accordion as shown below.
When the link is clicked, I'd need to trigger the click event of all p-accordianTab elements.
How is it possible?
<a (click)="openCloseAll()" >{{openCloseAllText}} all</a>
<p-accordion [multiple]="true">
<div class="row" *ngFor="let category of result.Categories">
<p-accordionTab #accordianTab header="{{category.Name}}">
I tried adding this "#accordionTab" to the element and accessing it from TypeScript but doesn't work:
@ViewChild('accordionTab') accordionTab: ElementRef;
openCloseAllText: string = "Open";
openCloseAll() {
// get all accordions and click them
this.openCloseAllText = this.openCloseAllText === "Open" ? "Close" : "Open";
TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined
Why not just use the tabs-property of the accordion itself?
I was able to get this working using the same approach as you but moving the template variable to an element inside a custom p-header, instead of on the p-accordion-Tab.
Their doc page has info on the bottom about using custom header content: https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/#/accordion
updated Martin Kronstad's answer for es6 w/ arrow functions: