I am downloading a bunch of largish zip files with the following method. It can take a little while and so I'd like to display a progress bar.
I've researched how to do with with the delegate methods for NSURLConnection and it seems straightforward, however I want to achieve the same thing with "sendAsynchronousRequest". How can I get the number of bytes downloaded as it downloads as well as the total number of bytes expected so that I can display a progress bar? I understand that I cannot use the delegate methods if I kick off a download in the manner I am doing it.
// Begin the download process
- (void)beginDownload:(NSMutableArray *)requests {
// Now fire off a bunch of requests asynchrounously to download
self.outstandingRequests = [requests count];
for (NSURLRequest *request in requests) { // Get the request
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:request queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) {
// Error check
if ( error != nil ) {
// The alertview for login failed
self.appDelegate.warningView.title = @"Refresh Error!";
self.appDelegate.warningView.message = [error localizedDescription];
// Show the view
[self.appDelegate.warningView show];
// Debug
if ( DEBUG ) {
NSLog(@"A request failed - %d left!",self.outstandingRequests);
else {
// Debug
if ( DEBUG ) {
NSLog(@"A request is done - %d left!",self.outstandingRequests);
// Decrement outstanding requests
// No requests are left
if (self.outstandingRequests == 0) {
// Debug
if ( DEBUG ) {
NSLog(@"All requests are done!");
// Get rid of loading view
[self performSelector:@selector(dismissLoadingView) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.15];
How to make an progress bar for an NSURLConnection when downloading a file?
sendAsynchronousRequest won't work for your purposes as it doesn't call your callback until the request has completed. You'll need to use initRequest:withDelegate: and handle your own data accumulation.
When the header is received (possibly multiple times for redirects) your didReceiveResponse method will be called, you can pick up the expected size there:
You'll receive a call to the delegate method didReceiveData each time a chunk of data is received, so you know how much data you've received up to this point.