I'm trying to implement a login/signin dialog for my app (something like that of Medium) I have searched a lot about it online and I think I will go with the $modal from angular ui-bootstrap. I'm wondering if someone can direct me to a tutorial for making something like that using $model. Any help is appreciated.
this may not answer your question directly but I have done login modal dialog using ngDialog (https://github.com/likeastore/ngDialog) with similar functionality as the Medium site. You may want to look into ngDialog.
Docs: https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/tree/master/src/modal << Contains code examples. Markup and Javascript. Start here.
http://www.nganimate.org/ << This can help create an intro transition effect similar to Medium's login thing.
Here's a start (Fill in the blanks, write your modal html + controller):