I'm trying to get emacs tramp running under Windows XP to work over putty plink on an Amazon EC2 instance. The documentation for doing this is sparse. I can find partial documentation, but none that addresses all the steps required to get this working.
Can anyone provide a walk through, or a pointer to a walk through?
I'll assume you have a GNU/Linux server you want to access, a username and a .ppk file. Also, Emacs 24.4+.
First set up server in PuTTY Configuration
, and click Save button.Next, head to your Emacs.
is. One way is to just inform Emacs directly in your.emacs
, for instance I have at the moment,(setenv "PATH" (concat "c:/Users/Brady/Documents/putty/;" (getenv "PATH")))
C-x C-f //plink:putty-test:/ RET
. Wait a moment while it connects, and window will open todired
buffer on the remote~/
directory.from my dot-emacs file. If I find more notes, I shall add them here.