I have three videos which divide into three parts on is the start then main video then end of the video in which I concatenate them together I want to add fade in/out effect at the end of the first video and at the start of the third video so they are separated nicely to the viewer.
i used this code to concatenate the video together by adding videos name to the text file
ffmpeg -f concat -i ffmpeg-sound.txt -c copy final_output.mp4
now what command should i pass so i can add this effect as iam not good at ffmgep. or if there is any other things to follow.
Thanks in advance
Use the fade and concat filters. In this example each input is 30 seconds long and each complete fade is 4 seconds long.
This assumes that each input has the same parameters (width, height, number of steams, etc). If not then add various filters, such as scale, to conform each input to a common set of parameters. There are many examples on this site showing how to do this.