We always say that method overloading is static polymorphism and overriding is runtime polymorphism. What exactly do we mean by static here? Is the call to a method resolved on compiling the code? So whats the difference between normal method call and calling a final method? Which one is linked at compile time?
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First, I want to discuss Run-time/Dynamic polymorphism and Compile-time/static polymorphism.
Compile-time/static polymorphism:- as its name suggests that it bind the function call to its appropriate Function at compile time. That means the compiler exactly know which function call associated to which function. Function overloading is an example of compile time polymorphism.
Run-time/Dynamic polymorphism:-In this type of polymorphism compiler don't know which functions call associates to which function until the run of the program. Eg. function overriding.
NOW, what are the function overriding and function overloading???
Function Overloading:- same function name but different function signature/parameter.
function overriding:- alter the work of a function which is present in both the Superclass and Child class. eg. name() in superclass prints "hello Rahul" but after overring in child class it prints "hello Akshit"
Method overloading means making multiple versions of a function based on the inputs. For example:
The choice of which method to call is made at compile time. For example:
Method Overriding means defining a new version of the method by a subclass of the original
I hope that helps
Simple Definition - Method overloading deals with the notion of having two or more methods(functions) in the same class with the same name but different arguments.
While Method overriding means having two methods with the same arguments, but different implementation. One of them would exist in the Parent class (Base Class) while another will be in the derived class(Child Class).@Override annotation is required for this.
Check this : Click here for a detailed example
I don't think you can call overloading any sort of polymorphism. Overloaded methods are linked at compile time, which kind of precludes calling it polymorphism.
Polymorphism refers to the dynamic binding of a method to its call when you use a base class reference for a derived class object. Overriding methods is how you implement this polymorphic behaviour.
Method Overloading simply means providing two separate methods in a class with the same name but different arguments while method return type may or may not be different which allows us to reuse the same method name.
But both methods are different hence can be resolved by compiler at compile time that's is why it is also known as Compile Time Polymorphism or Static Polymorphism
Method Overriding means defining a method in the child class which is already defined in the parent class with same method signature i.e same name, arguments and return type.
At the line
compiler says thespeak()
method of reference typeMammal
is getting called, so for compiler this call isMammal.speak()
.But at the execution time JVM knows clearly that
reference is holding the reference of object ofCat
, so for JVM this call isCat.speak()
.Because method call is getting resolved at runtime by JVM that's why it is also known as Runtime Polymorphism and Dynamic Method Dispatch.
Difference Between Method Overloading and Method Overriding
For more details, you can read Everything About Method Overloading Vs Method Overriding.
Property Over-loading Overriding
Method Names -------------->must be Same----------------must be same
Arg Types------------------>must be Different(at least arg)
Method Signature
Return Type
Access Modifier
Method Resolution