So, I wrote a program which is able to successfully read memory from most of processes using VirtualQueryEx
. However, I've come across a process for which this function fails. It's not a system process, just a game process. Without Debug privileges I couldn't even open the process's handle. With them I am able to get the process's handle but still get access denied for VirtualQueryEx
I'm not sure but maybe the process is private? If that's the case, what should I do to successfully use VirtualQueryEx
I've also read somewhere that I might have to suspend whole process's threads before running VirtualQueryEx
, but so far I didn't need that... And when I used function Thread32First
to get the first thread it gave me an error: ERROR_BAD_LENGTH
I would be very grateful for any help in this matter!
How are you opening the process handle? From the doc:
Another possibility is that the target process and your process are different bitness (32 vs 64). In that case you either need to use
or something likeVirtualQueryEx64
from wow64ext library.