I want to distribute an app that uses "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" and .NET 4.0. I already found a way for my installer to download .NET 4.0 if required. I just want to know if this will automatically download "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" or do I also need to figure out a way to download it by itself. If yes, what exactly do I need to download and install on the user machine? (I'm using Inno Setup to create my installer). I don't use ClickOnce because I want to make an standalone .exe.
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No, .NET 4.0 does not come with Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0
You can download the Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 installer from here: How to obtain the latest service pack for the Microsoft Jet 4.0 Database Engine
You would want this script for your Inno Setup:
I assume you know what to do with the code so I'll leave you to it!
Good Luck!
I'm not 100% of this but OLEDB should come in separate setup. You can download installer from
Update, If you would like to bundle with your installer then you have to do with WIX http://wix.sourceforge.net/ , It is XML base project you may have to use the Votive (VS.NET Plug-In) - http://wix.sourceforge.net/votive.html
/* WiX Script */
For more info of WiX and best place to get start at http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/