I'm looking for a way to use the RFID "RC522" on a Raspberry Pi 2.0 on Windows IOT.
It is of course not offical compatible...
The offical one (OM5577 demo board) is way to expensive in France (i haven't found any reseller who sold it without a lot of shipping cost (total cost is around 80$)).
The RC522 is cheap (<10$). It works great on Arduino and on Raspberry Pi 2.0 on linux. But unfortunatly not yet on Windows IOT.
I'm actually using an arduino as a bridge... It isn't an optimal solution; but work well and cost always half the price than the OM5577.
I've found this project and try to convert them into a VS (Visual C++) project with the Windows IOT SIP and IO... I miserably fail...
In my dream I would be able to use this device in C# with the standard windows IOT "ProximityDevice" class.
Have you any idea for me?
Thanks in advance.
I finally found a solution.
I haven't success in the arudino portability; so i've used this project as start point.
The project is writen in C#. I've just adapt the code for Windows IOT GPIO and SPI. An it's working !
Library Mfrc522Lib.cs (all in one)
Since it uses SPI, there shouldn't be a hardware compatibility issue. If you don't want to translate existing Arduino code, Microsoft does have some tech that allows you to use existing Arduino sketches and libraries. You can read more about it here: http://ms-iot.github.io/content/en-US/win10/ArduinoWiringProjectGuide.htm
Addition: If you want to see the UID as a string representing the hex chars, you can use the following inside