I have a big query with nesting and left join and Ineed to create a view out of it so as not to run it from the application. The issue is I need the date range and some other fields as input parameters since it will vary from the front end for each request.
I just looked up and saw some posts referring to using SYS_CONTEXT for parameterized views and need to know exactly how do I create the view for example with 2 parameters - fromdate, todate
and how I invoke the view from the application.
Just for info I am using grails/groovy for developing the application. and here is the query I want to create view out of..
d.dateInRange as dateval,
nvl(td.dist_ucnt, 0) as dist_ucnt
from (
to_date(fromdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') + rownum - 1 as dateInRange
from all_objects
where rownum <= to_date(fromdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') - to_date(todate,'dd-mon-yyyy') + 1
) d
left join (
to_char(user_transaction.transdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') as currentdate,
count(distinct(grauser_id)) as dist_ucnt,
gratransaction, user_transaction
where gratransaction.id = user_transaction.trans_id and
user_transaction.transdate between to_date(fromdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') and to_date(todate,'dd-mon-yyyy')
group by to_char(user_transaction.transdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy'), eventdesc
) td on td.currentdate = d.dateInRange order by d.dateInRange asc
The context method is described here: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/network.111/b28531/app_context.htm
e.g. (example adapted from the above link)
Then, set the dates in your application with:
Then, query the parameters with:
The advantage of this approach is that it is very query-friendly; it involves no DDL or DML at runtime, and therefore there are no transactions to worry about; and it is very fast because it involves no SQL - PL/SQL context switch.
If the context method and John's package variables method are not possible for you, another one is to insert the parameters into a table (e.g. a global temporary table, if you're running the query in the same session), then join to that table from the view. The downside is that you now have to make sure you run some DML to insert the parameters whenever you want to run the query.
To use parameters in a view one way is to create a package which will set the values of your parameters and have functions that can be called to get those values. For example:
Then your view can be created thus:
And to run it you must set the values first:
And then calls to it will use these values:
I have just made a workaround for this annoying Oracle disadvantage. Like this
it still requires a package, but at least i can use it in more convinient way:
i am not sure about performance...