I am trying to automate the task of printing two copies at double page of ~30 Word document (*.doc). I want to send the program converted to .exe
(I plan it just for Windows computers) using py2exe. I know that I can manually check the options but I will not be able to do so on the 20 or so computer where it will be used, as well as I cannot install in this computers new software (That's why I want to convert it into .exe
I copied this solution to print, but I can't adapt it to do what I want:
from win32com import client
import time
word = client.Dispatch("Word.Application")
filename=input("What files do you want to print?")
def printWordDocument(filename):
"""Given a name of a file prints it. TODO: Add double page."""
I couldn't find any option to print in double pages, or at least automatically, the only option of double page of PrintOut method is ManualDuplexPrint
which in the documentation says: "True to print a two-sided document on a printer without a duplex printing kit.", but I don't want to make it even easier to print all the set of documents. And make a program portable to other computers, without modifying the Word documents (I don't create them).
Any other way to do it? Or any other option to do it?
I am not able to code in visual-basic (yet), but if I get a template or some hints I think I will manage to make something adapted to my conditions.
I have ended doing a macro, but this just works for my own computer and not for all the computers where should work.