Is there an alternative to CGPath which allows to

2019-04-12 13:04发布

For an animation timing algorithm I need to supply a path as the curve. Probably a bezier curve with control points on both ends.

The problem is that it seems not possible to calculate points on a CGPath because CGPathRef is opaque. Also Apple provides no mechanism to compute points on a path.

Is there a library or utility class which can compute points on a bezier curve or path, for a given location like 0.5 for the middle along the path?

Or let me rephrase it: If CGPath / CGPathRef makes this impossible because it is opaque, and if you only care about bezier curves, is there a way to compute points for locations along the path?

2楼-- · 2019-04-12 13:39

The math behind a Bézier path is actually "just":

start⋅(1-t)3 + 3⋅c1⋅t(1-t)2 + 3⋅c2⋅t2(1-t) + end⋅t3

This means that if you know, the start, the end and both control points (c1 and c2), then you can calculate the value for any t (from 0 to 1).

It the values are points (like in the image below) then you can do these calculations separately for x and y.

enter image description here

This is form my explanation of Bézier paths here and the code to update the orange circle as the slider changes (in Javascript) is simply this (it shouldn't be too hard to translate into Objective-C or simply C but I was too lazy):

var sx = 190; var sy = 80; // start
var ex = 420; var ey = 250; // end

var c1x = -30; var c1y = 350; // control point 1
var c2x = 450; var c2y = -20; // control point 2

var t = (x-minSliderX)/(maxSliderX-minSliderX); // t from 0 to 1

var px = sx*Math.pow(1-t, 3) + 3*c1x*t*Math.pow(1-t, 2) + 3*c2x*Math.pow(t,2)*(1-t) + ex*Math.pow(t, 3);
var py = sy*Math.pow(1-t, 3) + 3*c1y*t*Math.pow(1-t, 2) + 3*c2y*Math.pow(t,2)*(1-t) + ey*Math.pow(t, 3);
// new point is at (px, py)
3楼-- · 2019-04-12 13:48

If you already have the control points to the bezier curve you would like to use for the timing function (of what I presume to be CAAnimation), then you should use the following function to get the appropriate timing function:

[CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithControlPoints:(float)c1x :(float)c1y :(float)c2x :(float)c2y]

However, if what you are trying to do is calculate the Y-locaiton of a bezier curve for a given X-location, you will have to calculate that yourself. Here is a reference for how to do so: Bezier Curves

4楼-- · 2019-04-12 14:00

Point location calculation from CGPath (Swift 4).

extension Math {

   // Inspired by ObjC version of this code:
   public class BezierPath {

      public let cgPath: CGPath
      public let approximationIterations: Int

      private (set) lazy var subpaths = processSubpaths(iterations: approximationIterations)
      public private (set) lazy var length = subpaths.reduce(CGFloat(0)) { $0 + $1.length }

      public init(cgPath: CGPath, approximationIterations: Int = 100) {
         self.cgPath = cgPath
         self.approximationIterations = approximationIterations

extension Math.BezierPath {

   public func point(atPercentOfLength: CGFloat) -> CGPoint {

      var percent = atPercentOfLength
      if percent < 0 {
         percent = 0
      } else if percent > 1 {
         percent = 1

      let pointLocationInPath = length * percent
      var currentLength: CGFloat = 0
      var subpathContainingPoint = Subpath(type: .moveToPoint)
      for element in subpaths {
         if currentLength + element.length >= pointLocationInPath {
            subpathContainingPoint = element
         } else {
            currentLength += element.length

      let lengthInSubpath = pointLocationInPath - currentLength
      if subpathContainingPoint.length == 0 {
         return subpathContainingPoint.endPoint
      } else {
         let t = lengthInSubpath / subpathContainingPoint.length
         return point(atPercent: t, of: subpathContainingPoint)


extension Math.BezierPath {

   struct Subpath {

      var startPoint: CGPoint = .zero
      var controlPoint1: CGPoint = .zero
      var controlPoint2: CGPoint = .zero
      var endPoint: CGPoint = .zero
      var length: CGFloat = 0

      let type: CGPathElementType

      init(type: CGPathElementType) {
         self.type = type

   private typealias SubpathEnumerator = @convention(block) (CGPathElement) -> Void

   private func enumerateSubpaths(body: @escaping SubpathEnumerator) {
      func applier(info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, element: UnsafePointer<CGPathElement>) {
         if let info = info {
            let callback = unsafeBitCast(info, to: SubpathEnumerator.self)
      let unsafeBody = unsafeBitCast(body, to: UnsafeMutableRawPointer.self)
      cgPath.apply(info: unsafeBody, function: applier)

   func processSubpaths(iterations: Int) -> [Subpath] {

      var subpathArray: [Subpath] = []
      var currentPoint =
      var moveToPointSubpath: Subpath?
      enumerateSubpaths { element in
         let elType = element.type
         let points = element.points
         var subLength: CGFloat = 0
         var endPoint =
         var subpath = Subpath(type: elType)
         subpath.startPoint = currentPoint

         switch elType {
         case .moveToPoint:
            endPoint = points[0]
         case .addLineToPoint:
            endPoint = points[0]
            subLength = type(of: self).linearLineLength(from: currentPoint, to: endPoint)
         case .addQuadCurveToPoint:
            endPoint = points[1]
            let controlPoint = points[0]
            subLength = type(of: self).quadCurveLength(from: currentPoint, to: endPoint, controlPoint: controlPoint,
                                                       iterations: iterations)
            subpath.controlPoint1 = controlPoint
         case .addCurveToPoint:
            endPoint = points[2]
            let controlPoint1 = points[0]
            let controlPoint2 = points[1]
            subLength = type(of: self).cubicCurveLength(from: currentPoint, to: endPoint, controlPoint1: controlPoint1,
                                                        controlPoint2: controlPoint2, iterations: iterations)
            subpath.controlPoint1 = controlPoint1
            subpath.controlPoint2 = controlPoint2
         case .closeSubpath:
         subpath.length = subLength
         subpath.endPoint = endPoint
         if elType != .moveToPoint {
         } else {
            moveToPointSubpath = subpath
         currentPoint = endPoint

      if subpathArray.isEmpty, let subpath = moveToPointSubpath {
      return subpathArray

   private func point(atPercent t: CGFloat, of subpath: Subpath) -> CGPoint {
      var p =
      switch subpath.type {
      case .addLineToPoint:
         p = type(of: self).linearBezierPoint(t: t, start: subpath.startPoint, end: subpath.endPoint)
      case .addQuadCurveToPoint:
         p = type(of: self).quadBezierPoint(t: t, start: subpath.startPoint, c1: subpath.controlPoint1, end: subpath.endPoint)
      case .addCurveToPoint:
         p = type(of: self).cubicBezierPoint(t: t, start: subpath.startPoint, c1: subpath.controlPoint1, c2: subpath.controlPoint2,
                              end: subpath.endPoint)
      return p


extension Math.BezierPath {

   public static func linearLineLength(from: CGPoint, to: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
      return sqrt(pow(to.x - from.x, 2) + pow(to.y - from.y, 2))

   public static func quadCurveLength(from: CGPoint, to: CGPoint, controlPoint: CGPoint, iterations: Int) -> CGFloat {
      var length: CGFloat = 0
      let divisor = 1.0 / CGFloat(iterations)

      for idx in 0 ..< iterations {
         let t = CGFloat(idx) * divisor
         let tt = t + divisor
         let p = quadBezierPoint(t: t, start: from, c1: controlPoint, end: to)
         let pp = quadBezierPoint(t: tt, start: from, c1: controlPoint, end: to)
         length += linearLineLength(from: p, to: pp)
      return length

   public static func cubicCurveLength(from: CGPoint, to: CGPoint, controlPoint1: CGPoint,
                                       controlPoint2: CGPoint, iterations: Int) -> CGFloat {
      let iterations = 100
      var length: CGFloat = 0
      let divisor = 1.0 / CGFloat(iterations)

      for idx in 0 ..< iterations {
         let t = CGFloat(idx) * divisor
         let tt = t + divisor
         let p = cubicBezierPoint(t: t, start: from, c1: controlPoint1, c2: controlPoint2, end: to)
         let pp = cubicBezierPoint(t: tt, start: from, c1: controlPoint1, c2: controlPoint2, end: to)
         length += linearLineLength(from: p, to: pp)
      return length

   public static func linearBezierPoint(t: CGFloat, start: CGPoint, end: CGPoint) -> CGPoint{
      let dx = end.x - start.x
      let dy = end.y - start.y
      let px = start.x + (t * dx)
      let py = start.y + (t * dy)
      return CGPoint(x: px, y: py)

   public static func quadBezierPoint(t: CGFloat, start: CGPoint, c1: CGPoint, end: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
      let x = QuadBezier(t: t, start: start.x, c1: c1.x, end: end.x)
      let y = QuadBezier(t: t, start: start.y, c1: c1.y, end: end.y)
      return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)

   public static func cubicBezierPoint(t: CGFloat, start: CGPoint, c1: CGPoint, c2: CGPoint, end: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
      let x = CubicBezier(t: t, start: start.x, c1: c1.x, c2: c2.x, end: end.x)
      let y = CubicBezier(t: t, start: start.y, c1: c1.y, c2: c2.y, end: end.y)
      return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)

   public static func CubicBezier(t: CGFloat, start: CGFloat, c1: CGFloat, c2: CGFloat, end: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
      let t_ = (1.0 - t)
      let tt_ = t_ * t_
      let ttt_ = t_ * t_ * t_
      let tt = t * t
      let ttt = t * t * t

      return start * ttt_
         + 3.0 *  c1 * tt_ * t
         + 3.0 *  c2 * t_ * tt
         + end * ttt

   public static func QuadBezier(t: CGFloat, start: CGFloat, c1: CGFloat, end: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
      let t_ = (1.0 - t)
      let tt_ = t_ * t_
      let tt = t * t

      return start * tt_
         + 2.0 *  c1 * t_ * t
         + end * tt


let path = CGMutablePath()
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 10, y: 10))
path.addQuadCurve(to: CGPoint(x: 100, y: 100), control: CGPoint(x: 50, y: 50))
let pathCalc = Math.BezierPath(cgPath: path)
let pointAtTheMiddleOfThePath = pathCalc.point(atPercentOfLength: 0.5)
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