I want the PathGeometry that consist of LineSegment.
So, I use this first code but it's error.
PathGeometry temp = (PathGeometry)Geometry.Parse(
"<PathGeometry.Figures>" +
"<PathFigure StartPoint=\"193.5,283.5\" IsClosed=\"True\">" +
"<PathFigure.Segments>" +
"<LineSegment Point=\"418.5,283.5\" />" +
"<LineSegment Point=\"418.5,508.5\" />" +
"<LineSegment Point=\"193.5,508.5\" />" +
"<LineSegment Point=\"193.5,283.5\" />" +
"</PathFigure.Segments>" +
"</PathFigure>" +
If I use this second code, it's not error but it doesn't consist of LineSegment. The result will be PolyLineSegment but I want LineSegment.
PathGeometry temp = (PathGeometry)Geometry.Parse(
How do I convert XAML PathGeometry to WPF PathGeometry?
Your code for parsing the XAML is incorrect, you need to use a XAML reader and cast the result to the required type. e.g.:
If you are using code-behind, is there any reason you want to parse a XAML snippet? You can programmatically create a path as follows:
A path is composed of a geometry, which is composed of figures, which are composed of segments!
If you want to use the simplified path data in code behind you could use a universal value converter: