Is there a way of orthographic hyphenation word?
Something like this:
NSStiring *string = @"In June 2010 at the World Wide Developers Conference, Apple announced version 4 of Xcode during the Developer Tools State of the Union address.";
UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] init];
label.text = string;
And if frame UILabel will be narrow, get next:
In June 2010 at
the World Wide
Developers Con-
ference, Apple
announced ver-
sion 4 of Xcode
during the Devel-
oper Tools State
of the Union ad-
Use an NSAttributedString with an NSParagraphStyle with a
of 1.Objective-C
Swift 4
Swift 3
This will help you. Please Change Uilabel Text plain to Attributed I tried Xcode 7+