I need a solution to delete duplicate lines where first field is an IPv4 address.For example I have the following lines in a file:
So all it matches in the previous scenario is the IP address. All I know is that the regex for IP address is:
It would be nice if the solution is one line and as fast as possible.
The awk that ArjunShankar posted worked wonders for me.
I had a huge list of items, which had multiple copies in field 1, and a special sequential number in field 2. I needed the "newest" or highest sequential number from each unique field 1.
I had to use sort -rn to push them up to the "first entry" position, as the first step is write, then compare the next entry, as opposed to getting the last/most recent in the list.
Thank ArjunShankar!
If you don't need to preserve the original ordering, one way to do this is using
:If, the file contains lines only in the format you show, i.e. first field is always IP address, you can get away with 1 line of awk:
EDIT: This removes duplicates based only on IP address. I'm not sure this is what the OP wanted when I wrote this answer.