I'd like to show the current language that the device UI is using. What code would I use?
I want this as an NSString
in fully spelled out format. (Not @"en_US")
EDIT: For those driving on by, there are a ton of useful comments here, as the answer has evolved with new iOS releases.
Updated answer for Swift 4
@amir response in Swift :
The accepted, and the other answers all don't take into account that the preferred language can be another language than the device language.
The device language is the language in which operating system elements and Apple apps are presented.
The preferred language is the language the user would like to have apps localized in. Apple only provides a limited set of translations. If the preferred language is one language Apple translated their apps to, it will also be the device language. However if the user prefers a language for which Apple doesn't provide translations the device and preferred languages won't match. The device language will not be on first position in the preferred languages list.
The following function will go through the preferred languages list and check if there is a translation in the Apple frameworks. The first language to have a translation is the device language. The function will return its language code.
This works if the preferred language list is:
The preferred language list can be edited in: Settings.app -> General -> Language & Region -> Preferred Language Order
You can than use the device language code and translate it into the language name. The following lines will print the device language in the device language. For example "Español" if the device is set to spanish.