I am currently trying to solve a quartic equation using Ferrari's method from Wikipedia. I want to retrieve only the real roots, discarding the imaginary one. My implementation does not return the good value for real roots. I can't find the mistakes in the formula.
My CubicEquation
works as expected, and my bi-quadratic solving either. Now, I am only missing the Ferrari's method to be done but I can't make it work!
Here's my class:
public class QuarticFunction {
private final double a;
private final double b;
private final double c;
private final double d;
private final double e;
public QuarticFunction(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
this.d = d;
this.e = e;
public final double[] findRealRoots() {
if (a == 0) {
return new CubicEquation(b, c, d, e).findRealRoots();
if (isBiquadratic()) { //This part works as expected
return solveUsingBiquadraticMethod();
return solveUsingFerrariMethodWikipedia();
private double[] solveUsingFerrariMethodWikipedia() {
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartic_function#Ferrari.27s_solution
// ERROR: Wrong numbers when Two Real Roots + Two Complex Roots
// ERROR: Wrong numbers when Four Real Roots
QuarticFunction depressedQuartic = toDepressed();
if (depressedQuartic.isBiquadratic()) {
return depressedQuartic.solveUsingBiquadraticMethod();
double y = findFerraryY(depressedQuartic);
double originalRootConversionPart = -b / (4 * a);
double firstPart = Math.sqrt(depressedQuartic.c + 2 * y);
double positiveSecondPart = Math.sqrt(-(3 * depressedQuartic.c + 2 * y + 2 * depressedQuartic.d / Math.sqrt(depressedQuartic.c + 2 * y)));
double negativeSecondPart = Math.sqrt(-(3 * depressedQuartic.c + 2 * y - 2 * depressedQuartic.d / Math.sqrt(depressedQuartic.c + 2 * y)));
double x1 = originalRootConversionPart + (firstPart + positiveSecondPart) / 2;
double x2 = originalRootConversionPart + (-firstPart + negativeSecondPart) / 2;
double x3 = originalRootConversionPart + (firstPart - positiveSecondPart) / 2;
double x4 = originalRootConversionPart + (-firstPart - negativeSecondPart) / 2;
Set<Double> realRoots = findAllRealRoots(x1, x2, x3, x4);
return toDoubleArray(realRoots);
private double findFerraryY(QuarticFunction depressedQuartic) {
double a3 = 1;
double a2 = 5 / 2 * depressedQuartic.c;
double a1 = 2 * Math.pow(depressedQuartic.c, 2) - depressedQuartic.e;
double a0 = Math.pow(depressedQuartic.c, 3) / 2 - depressedQuartic.c * depressedQuartic.e / 2
- Math.pow(depressedQuartic.d, 2) / 8;
//CubicEquation works as expected! No need to worry! It returns either 1 or 3 roots.
CubicEquation cubicEquation = new CubicEquation(a3, a2, a1, a0);
double[] roots = cubicEquation.findRealRoots();
for (double y : roots) {
if (depressedQuartic.c + 2 * y != 0) {
return y;
throw new IllegalStateException("Ferrari method should have at least one y");
public final boolean isBiquadratic() {
return Double.compare(b, 0) == 0 && Double.compare(d, 0) == 0;
private double[] solveUsingBiquadraticMethod() {
//It works as expected!
QuadraticLine quadraticEquation = new QuadraticLine(a, c, e);
if (!quadraticEquation.hasRoots()) {
return new double[] {};
double[] quadraticRoots = quadraticEquation.findRoots();
Set<Double> roots = new HashSet<>();
for (double quadraticRoot : quadraticRoots) {
if (quadraticRoot > 0) {
} else if (quadraticRoot == 0.00) {
return toDoubleArray(roots);
public QuarticFunction toDepressed() {
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartic_function#Converting_to_a_depressed_quartic
double p = (8 * a * c - 3 * Math.pow(b, 2)) / (8 * Math.pow(a, 2));
double q = (Math.pow(b, 3) - 4 * a * b * c + 8 * d * Math.pow(a, 2)) / (8 * Math.pow(a, 3));
double r = (-3 * Math.pow(b, 4) + 256 * e * Math.pow(a, 3) - 64 * d * b * Math.pow(a, 2) + 16 * c * a
* Math.pow(b, 2)) / (256 * Math.pow(a, 4));
return new QuarticFunction(1, 0, p, q, r);
private Set<Double> findAllRealRoots(double... roots) {
Set<Double> realRoots = new HashSet<>();
for (double root : roots) {
if (!Double.isNaN(root)) {
return realRoots;
private double[] toDoubleArray(Collection<Double> values) {
double[] doubleArray = new double[values.size()];
int i = 0;
for (double value : values) {
doubleArray[i] = value;
return doubleArray;
I have tried a simpler implementation found here, but I had a new problem. Now, half of the roots are good, but the other half is wrong. Here is my tentative:
private double[] solveUsingFerrariMethodTheorem() {
// https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Ferrari's_Method
CubicEquation cubicEquation = getCubicEquationForFerrariMethodTheorem();
double[] cubicRoots = cubicEquation.findRealRoots();
double y1 = findFirstNonZero(cubicRoots);
double inRootOfP = Math.pow(b, 2) / Math.pow(a, 2) - 4 * c / a + 4 * y1;
double p1 = b / a + Math.sqrt(inRootOfP);
double p2 = b / a - Math.sqrt(inRootOfP);
double inRootOfQ = Math.pow(y1, 2) - 4 * e / a;
double q1 = y1 - Math.sqrt(inRootOfQ);
double q2 = y1 + Math.sqrt(inRootOfQ);
double x1 = (-p1 + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1, 2) - 8 * q1)) / 4;
double x2 = (-p2 - Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2, 2) - 8 * q1)) / 4;
double x3 = (-p1 + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1, 2) - 8 * q2)) / 4;
double x4 = (-p2 - Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2, 2) - 8 * q2)) / 4;
Set<Double> realRoots = findAllRealRoots(x1, x2, x3, x4);
return toDoubleArray(realRoots);
private CubicEquation getCubicEquationForFerrariMethodTheorem() {
double cubicA = 1;
double cubicB = -c / a;
double cubicC = b * d / Math.pow(a, 2) - 4 * e / a;
double cubicD = 4 * c * e / Math.pow(a, 2) - Math.pow(b, 2) * e / Math.pow(a, 3) - Math.pow(d, 2)
/ Math.pow(a, 2);
return new CubicEquation(cubicA, cubicB, cubicC, cubicD);
private double findFirstNonZero(double[] values) {
for (double value : values) {
if (Double.compare(value, 0) != 0) {
return value;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(values + " does not contain any non-zero value");
I don't know what I am missing. I have spent hours debugging trying to see the errors, but now I'm completely lost (plus some headaches). What am I doing wrong? I don't care which formulas to use, since I only want one of them to work.
I had two mistakes.
Here is my resulting implementation
The Wikipedia article you mention is correct. However, it is not so simple to just apply the formulas, due to limited floating-point arithmetic precision. That is especially true if comparing the values of determinants to zero, as in some cases, the insufficient precision can change the sign.
Here is my naive C++ implementation (work in progress), which as you can see, is full of thresholds. I plan to use adaptive multiple-precision arithmetics to get rid of the thresholds in the future. This somehow works for equations with 1 - 4 real roots in
[-100, 100]
interval:You can use it as a starting point for debugging your implementation. This gives the following results:
Where "root response precision" means the absolute value of the function in the found root (error in
), and "root solution precision" is distance of the found root to the ground truth root (error inx
).Note that I do not give
, since you already have those.