I have a situation where my WinJS app wants to call a function which may or may not be async (e.g. in one situation I need to load some data from a file (async) but at other times I can load from a cache syncronously).
Having a look through the docs I though I could wrap the conditional logic in a promise like:
return new WinJS.Promise(function() { // mystuff });
or possibly use 'as' like this:
return WinJS.Promise.as(function() { // mystuff });
The problem is that when I call this function, which I'm doing from the ready() function of my first page like this:
WinJS.UI.Pages.define("/pages/home/home.html", {
ready: function () {
Data.Survey.init().done(function (result) {
// do some stuff with 'result'
When it is written like 'A' it never hits my done() call.
Or if I call it when it's written like 'B', it executes the code inside my done() instantly, before the promise is resolved. It also looks from the value of result, that it has just been set to the content of my init() function, rather than being wrapped up in a promise.
It feels like I'm doing something quite basically wrong here, but I'm unsure where to start looking.
If it's any help, this is a slimmed down version of my init() function:
function init() {
return new WinJS.Promise(function() {
if (app.context.isFirstRun) {
app.surveyController.initialiseSurveysAsync().then(function (result) {
return new WinJS.Binding.List(result.surveys);
} else {
var data = app.surveyController.getSurveys();
return new WinJS.Binding.List(data);
Does anyone have any thoughts on this one? I don't believe the 'may or may not be async' is the issue here, I believe the promise setup isn't doing what I'd expect. Can anyone see anything obviously wrong here? Any feedback greatly appreciated.
Generally speaking, if you're doing file I/O in your full init routine, those APIs return promises themselves, in which case you want to return one of those promises or a promise from one of the .then methods.
WinJS.Promise.as, on the other hand, is meant to wrap a value in a promise. But let me explain more fully.
First, read the documentation for the WinJS.Promise constructor carefully. Like many others, you're mistakenly assuming that you just wrap a piece of code in the promise and voila! it is async. This is not the case. The function that you pass to the constructor is an initializer that receives three arguments: a completeDispatcher function, an errorDispatcher function, and a progressDispatcher function, as I like to call them.
For the promise to ever complete with success, complete with an error, or report progress, it is necessary for the rest of the code in the initializer to eventually call one of the dispatchers. These dispatchers, inside the promise, then loop through and call any complete/error/progress methods that have been given to that promise's then or done methods. Therefore, if you don't call a dispatcher at all, there is no completion, and this is exactly the behavior you're seeing.
Using WinJS.Promise.as is similar in that it wraps a value inside a promise. In your case, if you pass a function to WinJS.promise.as, what you'll get is a promise that's fulfilled with that function value as a result. You do not get async execution of the function.
To achieve async behavior you must either use setTimeout/setInterval (or the WinJS scheduler in Windows 8.1) to do async work on the UI thread, or use a web worker for a background thread and tie its completion (via a postMessage) into a promise.
Here's a complete example of creating a promise using the constructor, handling complete, error, and progress cases (as well as cancellation):
This comes from Appendix A ("Demystifying Promises") of my free ebook, Programming Windows Store Apps in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Second Edition (in preview), see http://aka.ms/BrockschmidtBook2.
You would, in your case, put your data initialization code in the place of the iterate function, and perhaps call it from within a setImmediate. I encourage you to also look at the WinJS scheduler API that would let you set the priority for the work on the UI thread.
In short, it's essential to understand that new WinJS.Promise and WinJS.Promise.as do not in themselves create async behavior, as promises themselves are just a calling convention around "results to be delivered later" that has nothing inherently to do with async.