How do I get max value from different columns from a row in HIVE?
For instance
Row# ID# Col1 Col2 Col3
1 1234 54 67 86
2 5678 89 92 86
Looking for output of the form:
1234 86
5678 92
How do I get max value from different columns from a row in HIVE?
For instance
Row# ID# Col1 Col2 Col3
1 1234 54 67 86
2 5678 89 92 86
Looking for output of the form:
1234 86
5678 92
Hive has the greatest() function as of 1.1;
Or you can use a case when statement if your version doesn't have greatest():
Case when statements are evaluated in order from top to bottom until a value of true is found, so no need to evaluate two inequalities in each when clause.