I recently tried adding the OpenEars framework to my xcode project, and when I tried to commit my project to the repository I get the following error:
error: pathspec '"Framework/Icon\r"' did not match any file(s) known to git.
I have tried to find this file using the navigation tree within xcode but it doesn't exist. There is a physical file on the disk which was 0 bytes (this is most likely the problem), and I tried removing this with no affect.
I tried to navigate to the file using terminal and use git rm Icon\r but due to the \ in the name it cannot find the file:
$ git rm Icon\\r
fatal: pathspec 'Framework/OpenEars.framework/Icon\r' did not match any files
Has anyone had a similar issue or know how I can remove this file as it is stopping me from pushing any changes.
I've just had the same issue, and found that after removing the file from the local filesystem, the following worked for me:
This then allowed me to commit and remove the files from the git repository.
ing into the directory, then start typing the following until you get to theI
. Then press the Tab key to have the Terminal automatically complete the rest of the path. It will look like this:git rm Framework/OpenEars.framework/Icon^M
NB: There is a space after the M. Entering in this full path does not seem to work: only allowing the Terminal to autocomplete the path for you will.
I got: