Would it be possible to have multiple initBinder Methods inside a single Controller? Where each InitBinder() (see code) depends on a unique request handler e.g. initBinder() is called on url: "/update/account" and initBinderOne() on "update/account/pass"?
I would prefer to have a single Controller for all updates instead of multiple. Please advise.
public class UpdateController {
public String updateAccount(@ModelAttribute("account") Account account...){
public String update(@Valid Account account...){
@RequestMapping(value="/pass", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String updatePass(@ModelAttribute("account") Account account...){
public String updatePass(@Valid Account account...){
public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder){
binder.setAllowedFields(new String[]{"accountId","accountname","firstName",
public void initBinderOne(WebDataBinder binder){
binder.setAllowedFields(new String[]{"accountId","password});
Spring does not support attaching multiple validators to a single command. You can, however, define multiple @InitBinder methods for different commands. For example, you could put the following in a single controller and validate your user1 and user2 parameters: