I'm having a problem locating anything on converting RAE to XYZ.
If I am on a WGS84 spheroid, at say position -742507, -5462738, 3196706 and I detect an object at a range of 30km, azimuth of 310, and elevation angle of 18 degrees how can I convert that to ECEF XYZ coordinates?
You can use matlab functions sph2cart.m
Make sure your the 0degree in your project is same as math 0degree.
lumberjack's answer is superb. Here it is in javascript just in case anyone needs it:
It appears that there is no straight forward process to do this. The best method I found is to convert from RAE coordinates to SEZ coordinates, then from SEZ coordinates to ECR coordinates. Here is some C# code I modified to C++ to achieve this: