I was in search of a way to show a status indicator using jQuery and I found a solution in the jQuery Cookbook, it showed this solution
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
.ajaxStart(function() {
.ajaxStop(function() {
then it cautioned,
If you experience performance issues in your application, it may be because of the cost of event propagation if there is a significantly large number of elements. In this case, setting global to false may give you a performance improvement.
So first should I use the solution showed above and will it be a performance issue as my site and js code gets larger and larger?
Should I avoid jQuery global events, just turn it off like the paragraph says?
Lastly, how do you guys show a simple indicator while an ajax request is being performed?
Honestly, I think this caution is valid, but at the same time, outdated. Look at the jQuery source here: http://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/src/event.js#L290
It shows how a global event is now handled:
It used to be:
So it's not triggering on every element like it used to, which made the large number of elements warning a very real concern, it instead loops over elements that have registered or the event, and only if any have registered, so it's much better on performance now.
For your questions:
Yes, the solution above is just fine, I've yet to see a page large enough for this to be an issue, after the global events optimization I outlined above.
Nope, you can pretty much ignore that paragraph is using any jQuery after this change was made.
Exactly as you have in your question :)