I'm having a hard time getting Google Charts to understand the datetime format. I used an example [1] where the datetime format is set to a simple month day and year, but I changed it to take an input of type datetime. An example is available the following page:
The start of the code is as follows:
data.addColumn('datetime', 'Date');
data.addColumn('number', 'Active or not');
data.setValue(0, 0, new Date(1306192258));
data.setValue(0, 1, 1);
Why will Google change that Date format to Jan 15, 1970? (Start of Epoch time?)
[1] http://www.beakkon.com/geek/how-to/create-interactive-charts-using-google-charts-api
Try this:
Some more info on the Javascript Date function can be found w3schools.com website I found - new Date("July 21, 2011 02:00:00") to be a good compromise for what I wanted to do.
Snippet of my code