I would like to test okhttp's http2 function. And I make multi requsts to same host in async style. But, I found that, it involved multi connections, since the protocol is h2, It should use just one connection, right? The code is below. Ah, I'm using okhttp2.5
public class Performance {
private final OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
private final Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
private final int times = 20;
public Performance(){
// Configure the sslContext
// MySSLSocketFactory mySSLSocketFactory = new MySSLSocketFactory();
// client.setSslSocketFactory(mySSLSocketFactory);
// client.setHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
// public boolean verify(String s, SSLSession sslSession) {
// return true;
// }
// });
public void run()throws Exception{
for(int i=0; i<times; i++) {
Request request = new Request.Builder()
client.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() {
public void onFailure(Request request, IOException e) {
public void onResponse(Response response) throws IOException {
public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception{
Performance performance = new Performance();
There's a bug in OkHttp where multiple simultaneous requests each create their own socket connection, rather than coordinating a shared connection. This only happens when the connections are created simultaneously. Work around by yielding 500ms before the 2nd connection.