I have an android project in which GCM is implemented. Back-end (server) is already coded suitably with GCM.
Now is it possible to add firebase (FCM) in my project and work in parallel with GCM? I cant migrate to FCM because it is impossible to change my back-end code as it is a big project and too much code is there. Has anyone done something like this?
Please help. Thanks in advance.
Though my particular case might be a bit specific, because the project I am involved in has a very specific backend, it seems to me FCM interoperates well with GCM, i.e you can have both in your app, GCM and FCM broadcast receivers / receiver services, and they will both work as well with no conflicts.
This has a huge advantage because you don't have to decide with migration at once, you can do this more gradually.
Well done, Google!
No, you can not use both FCM and GCM at same time. GCM is the old version and that it is strongly recommended to use FCM.
You can get more details here
As per FAQ you don't need additional server configuration when you're migrating your client app from GCM to FCM, so just use FCM in your android app.
Here's the docs on how to migrate your app
Sorry for the bad news but google has announced that GCM server and client APIs are deprecated and will be removed as soon as April 11, 2019 ( it's not a recommendation but obligation.)as result youre application will not work after 11 april 2019 so you have to Migrate GCM apps to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) and you don't need to change much things in your server side.
you can check this for more informations https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/ https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/android/android-migrate-fcm
have a nice day..