I have a big list of polygons (consisting of google maps polygon options) which I would like to check if they are within the bounds of the screen before drawing them.
How do I determine if the polygon is within the screen bounds.
Something like this:
List<PolygonOptions> polygons = getPolygons();
LatLngBounds bounds = map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds;
for (int l = 1; l <= polygons.size(); l++) {
if (bounds.Contains(polygons.get(l))) {
I suppose that you don't need to check if each point from polygon are visible - you should do it for only four points that can be easily calculated:
And every time when the user moves the map you should put on the map polygons whose rectangular border is inside visible bounds; something like this:
The full source code.