I'm looking for a way to use contentEditable with jQuery DatePicker. How can I use it on editable tables??
I found one answer here : http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?229598-Looking-to-enable-contenteditable-true-for-custom-input-type
And this is what I tried to do using the example given on the link above.
HTML code:
<div class='date' contenteditable='false'>2014-04-05</span>
<input type='hidden' class='datepicker' />
Javascript code:
dateFormat: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
showOn: "button",
buttonImage: "images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true,
onClose: function(dateText, inst) {
But this method doesn't work for me.
Additional Info: I'm using bootstrap and jquery-tablesorter.
None of them worked for me.
I think there must have been a change in the browser specs where hidden type can't have focus.
Anyway, my solution is to hide the input with in a div.
Fyi: Trying to hide the input or wrapping it in a span will not work.
Enjoy! ^_^
I made it for myself with the following steps:
Used a hidden input for the datepicker, to work along with the contenteditable div:
With the following jQuery:
Since the rows of the tables are generated dynamically, so you have to create the datepicker dynamically on editing the row. You can use the "focus" or "click" event of the row to bind the datepicker dynamically. Below code demonstrates the same:
and your html for the row would look some what like the below code:
you can even use the ".date" class to find the contenteditable field for setting the date in the close event as below : $(this).parent().find(".date").html(inst.input.text()).blur();
Hope this would help :)
You are not closing the div tag in your html
should be