Currently the ui-bootstrap datepicker popup orders the days of the week Mon-Sun. I have a request from a customer to reorder them Sun-Sat
Interestingly, on the ui-bootstrap page, the inline example has the Sun-Mon order but the popup is Mon-Sun.
Is there a way to change the day order in the popup? I have not found any info on that topic in my googling.
Andrew, in the Datepicker docs, under the "Popup Settings" subheading, it says "Options for datepicker can be passed as JSON using the datepicker-options attribute", which was the key piece for me in tackling the same problem you're facing.
See this JSFiddle, which simplifies the example code from, and contains the bits I think you need. Note that you need to change to camel case "startingDay" spelling:
That plugin has 'starting-day' as an option. Setting that to 0 will make it start on Sunday.