At the receival of a TCP specific message, i need to query my DB. For that, i created an Actor that is called DBActor and it's loaded in Application.scala
class Application @Inject() (system: ActorSystem) extends Controller {
val tcpServer = system.actorOf(Props[TCPServer], "tcpserver")
val dbActor = system.actorOf(Props[DBActor], "dbActor")
Tcp server is the actor that received the message and need to push it on DB Actor with that
val handler = context.actorSelection("/dbActor")
DB actor is so initialized in this way, according to Play Framework specifications
object DBActor {
def props() =
class DBActor @Inject() (protected val dbConfigProvider:
DatabaseConfigProvider) extends Actor
with HasDatabaseConfigProvider[JdbcProfile]
with ActorLogging
with TableComponent {
import driver.api._
val table = TableQuery[Table]
def receive: Receive = {
case GetConfig(id) => {
sender ! Await.result( id).result.headOption),
.map { x => x.config }
At the moment, actor is not constructed due to the error
Error injecting constructor, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
no matching constructor found on class tcp.DBActor for arguments []
at controllers.Application.<init>(Application.scala:17)
at controllers.Application.class(Application.scala:17)
So i need a way to inject the db configuration in the DBactor for querying the database or an alternative. I evaluated before that to inject a DAO or transforming the DAO I needed into an actor, both failed.
Question at this point is, does it make any sense giving an actor the access to the db or, at least, a controller? If can't be done, what are the alternatives?
What you need is an injected actor. The full description can be found here in the play documentation (, but here's the gist of it:
You define the actor binding like so:
And inject the actor in the controller like so:
On a different note, you should avoid
whenever possible. In your scenario, this could probably easily be replaced with:Note that the sender ref is stored before, because it is no longer valid inside the
(see scaladoc of thesender()