i'm trying to dynamically set a metatag to the head of my document. This is a mobile device specific metatag that I need to add through code. I found this solution here:
Having trouble using jQuery to set meta tag values
but it doesnt seem to work, what am I doing wrong?
function setOrCreateMetaTag(metaName, name, value) {
var t = 'meta['+metaName+'='+name+']';
var mt = $(t);
if (mt.length === 0) {
t = '<meta '+metaName+'="'+name+'" />';
mt = $(t).appendTo('head');
mt.attr('content', value);
setOrCreateMetaTag(name, viewport, 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0');
It seems like you would need quotes around name and viewport, unless these are variables set somewhere else:
Two things. First make sure you are including jQuery, since the $() is a jQuery method. This means including something like:
The second, I don't think you really meant to pass variables name and viewport. Rather, you should pass the strings like: