Is it possible to expand all components when page is load or when an event occurs? Thanks!!
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I know I'm answering a 2-year-old question, but none of the workarounds or alternate accordion plugins worked for me, so I came up with a devastatingly simple workaround: just destroy the accordion on click of an "expand all" link, and re-initialize it on click of a "collapse all" link. Something like this:
The expand all and collapse all links would look like this:
I know that is realy too late but i found the solution today. Just simply use
link of full article
Simply use this
MultiAccordion jQuery UI plugin worked great for me:
After adding the plugin reference after your jQuery UI reference, you just need to make 2 simple changes:
$("#accordion_div").multiAccordion("option", "active", [0,1]);
No, if you are referring to accordion as your tag states. From jQuery.
To make it unobtrusive and be hidden only if the visitor has javascript I'd put
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