I have one model based on ActiveRecord and another based on a Mogoid::Document. Is that possible to do an association together ?
For Example, the 2 models :
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :avatar, :dependent => :destroy
class Avatar
include Mongoid::Document
field :file_name
And retrieve User's avatar like this :
Thanks !
It is possible with the Tenacity gem: https://github.com/jwood/tenacity
We've been using it in production for a few months and it's working very well.
You won't be able to use ActiveRecord relations.
You still can link the two objects using instance methods like this :
It would be interesting to encapsulate this in a module :)...
No it's not possible. ActiveRecord is expecting the association is to an AR object. You used to be able to relate Mongoid to AR, but it doesn't work either now.
Was actually after the same solution. wrote this https://rubygems.org/gems/mongo_mysql_relations to make it easier - but it is basically the same solution as offered above, but less manual.
Github is at https://github.com/eladmeidar/MongoMysqlRelations