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Just as the title implies, I am trying to create a parser and trying to find the optimal solution to convert something from dot namespace into a multidimensional array such that
s1.t1.column.1 = size:33%
would be the same as
$source['s1']['t1']['column']['1'] = 'size:33%';
Try this number...
It will loop through the keys (delimited with
by default) to get to the final property, and then do assignment on the value.If some of the keys aren't present, they're created.
I found a solution that worked for me at: Convert Flat PHP Array to Nested Array based on Array Keys and since I had an array based on an .ini file with different keys I made a tiny modification of that script and made work for me.
My array looked like this:
On request, this is the code that I described was working for me:
This is the source of the .ini file read by the parse_ini_file():
This is the outcome of the code above:
Although pasrse_ini_file() can also bring out multidimensional array, I will present a different solution. Zend_Config_Ini()
I am pretty sure you are trying to do this to store some configuration data or similar.
I highly suggest you to save such file as
and use parse_ini_file() function to change the configuration data into a multidimensional array. As simple as thisI would suggest using dflydev/dot-access-data.
If you're not familiar with using Composer, head over to for an introduction so that you can download and autoload the package as as dependency for your project.
Once you have the package, you can load a multi-dimensional array into a Data object:
And access the values using dot notation:
Quick and dirty...