I am trying to expand my pandas skills. I have a pandas dataframe that looks like this :
Group 1 Group 2 Product ID
0 Products International X11
1 Products International X11
2 Products Domestic X11
3 Products Domestic X23
4 Services Professional X23
5 Services Professional X23
6 Services Analytics X25
I am trying to use some pandas functionality to get the index where the values of Group 1 and Group 2 change. I understand that I will probably have to go column by column, and append these indices into different lists.
I have referenced this question Find index where elements change value pandas dataframe which was the closest similar question that I can find.
I am trying to get an output like this:
Group 1 changes = [0,4]
Group 2 changes = [0,2,4,6]
Is there any sort of built in functionality that pandas has that can quickly reference if two values in a column are the same, and then grab that index?
All of my data is sorted by group, so shouldn't run into any problems if the solution does involve iterating row by row.
Any help is much appreciated!
This is one non-pandas solution. I like it because it is intuitive and requires no understanding of the large
Also for dict,