Okay, i'm developing an Angular 2 app. I've added auth0 authentication, but to me it handles sessions very insecurely. The jwt token is not encrypted and saved inside localStorage. The claims are visible for anyone, they can easily be decoded and revealed. Not to mention, Web Storage itself isn't a secure place.
I'm opting for JWTs because later i want to transform this web app to desktop app with electron and so i cannot use cookie-sessions. My users will have additional information such as roles, which i don't want to look up in db on every request, that's why i would like to store them in jwt. It makes sense to encrypt the data, but auth0 doesn't seem to provide that function.
If claims like roles are stored in localStorage unprotected, what's stopping me to go to firefox console and change the token, e.g. make myself an admin?
JWT token has two parts: explicit (codet by base64 algorithm) - with payload data like for example exp time or user Id and role etc. and implicit - hash key which guarantee with extremely high probability that any part of explicit data was not change after token was created (by server using it's private key). So in Local/Session storage you can store this explicit part. The full token should be store in httpOnly cookies - then you will be protected against XSS attack (where hacker want to stole you token).
So you can read and change jwt token payload from firefox, but you will be unable to generate implicit hash - and server will reject your token.
So the answer to title question is: because Auth0 id_token is JWT token :)
Because JWT is signed, so any alteration to the content or the signature will be detected during validation
The digital signature, the third part of a JWT token like this
is created using server private key, and is the way you can verify the identity of the issuer of the token and also that it has not been alteredIf you want to hide the payload, the JWT specification allows use encryption (see Json Web Encryption-JWE at RFC). If auth0 does not support it, you have a lot of libraries listed in jwt.io