I have the following puppet template file solr.json.erb:
"servers" : [ {
"port" : "<%= jmx_port %>",
"host" : "localhost",
"queries" : [
<% @markets.each do |market| -%>
"outputWriters" : [ {
"@class" : "com.googlecode.jmxtrans.model.output.StdOutWriter",
} ],
"obj" : "solr/market_<%= market %>:type=queryResultCache,id=org.apache.solr.search.LRUCache",
"attr" : [ "hits","hitratio"]
<% end -%>
"numQueryThreads" : 2
} ]
and I want to test the result of applying the template to some test parameters before executing this in puppet.
how can I do that?
before, I tried with a script like this, my_script.ruby
require 'erb'
require 'ostruct'
namespace = OpenStruct.new(:jmx_port => 9200, :markets=> ['CH', 'FR'])
template = File.open("solr.json.erb", "rb").read;
puts ERB.new(template).result(namespace.instance_eval { binding })
but it didn't work out, because OpenStruct does not have instance variables
, so I cannot use @markets
the documentation mentions that you can check the syntax with this command: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/templating.html
erb -P -x -T '-' mytemplate.erb | ruby -c
but that's not what i am asking. i am asking to get the result of applying some test parameters (jmx_port=9200, markets=['CH', 'FR']) to the template.
how can I do that?
If you turn on trim mode for ERB, you don't have to remove the "-%>" from the template:
I dont think you need the openstruct stuff. This works for me:
Though I did have to alter your template a fraction:
I've removed the
from the-%>
you had in your template. These prevented it from compiling, as they're supposed to be paired with<%=