How would the image resources be named for the ipad & ipad HD versions in a universal app?
When supporting normal and HD images for iphone we use imageName.png & imageName-hd.png. But if I make an universal am I right in assuming that I would have to rename the images and use imageNameiPad.png & imageNameiPad-hd.png?
Please let me know how the naming convention works.
Thanks Abhinav
The correct way in cocos2d (version 2.0 or 1.1beta) is this:
Normal iPhone:
Retina iPhone:
Normal iPad:
Retina iPad:
You must just call image.png in your code, then the code will detect what device is and use the file properly.
I guess that'll work exactly as you would name ressource to support retina display on iOS (for iPhone). Which to my mind is :
I beleive that it goes something like this:
Normal iPhone:
Retina iPhone:
Normal iPad:
Retina iPad:
Do not use @2x instead of -hd because you will find that you will get some errors.