I created an MVC 5 application in VS 2013 Professional and then used EF 6.1 code first with an existing DB on SQL Server Express. When I try to create the views I’m using the “New scaffolded item…” then selecting the “MVC 5 controller with views, using Entity Framework.” I select the model and context classes and click OK. Then the following error message appears and no code is created. I’ve uninstalled EF Power Tools with the same error.
There was an error running the selected code generator: ‘Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.’
I've also tried uninstalling/reinstalling VS 2013 and SQL Server with no changes.
Any other ideas about what might cause this error?
In my case, I had to revert my DBContext constructor to just using a static connection string, as defined in web.config
Scaffolding did not work when I used a dynamically created connection string.
My solution was as simple as changing back the connection string name in my Web Config to DefaultConnection. Even though my dbContext has another name!
Took me 2 hours to find out this nonsense!
I had the same problem where it wouldn't add scaffold items it seems that uninstalling entity-framework through the nuget package manager console works
To Run Package Manager Console :
Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console
To Remove:
To Reinstall:
Or in one command:
I hope this can help someone as it took me a while to come to this.
I tried most of the above without luck.
What finally worked was:
Then everything worked again, minus 3 hours of development time.
Seems to have something to do with the dynamically created connection string and the model. Would appreciate any thoughts on what could have happened.
In my case NuGet added the following provider to the web.config:
When I changed the provider to
It solved the problem (costed me about 5 hours though to figure it out :-( )
I realize this question is old now, but I thought I'd post what solved my issue in case it helps anyone later on. In my case, it was a combination of several things mentioned in other answers. To secure my connection string I had...
After doing this, I was unable to create any more controllers. To fix the issue, I had to ...
Add a parameterless constructor to my context class and give it the name of my connectionString like this:
public contextClass() : base("name=connectionStringName") { }
Rebuild the solution, and create the controller again, and it worked!