Using VS 2008.
I have two stored procedures, one used to get data for the main report and other for Sub report and both the SP's use the same parameter QuoteID.
I have send parameter to main report using ReportDocument. But I am not aware how to send parameters to SubReport.
I tried many diff ways using the reportdocument's setparameter method which also takes subreport name as argument.But it didn't.
Below is the code I have used
string Type = gvQuotationDetails.Rows[QuoteIndex].Cells["Type"].EditedFormattedValue.ToString();
FilePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EMP_IMG_PATH"].ToString() + "\\" + ValQuoteID.ToString() + ".pdf";
AccountsPayableMaster objAPM = new AccountsPayableMaster();
QuotationReport obj = new QuotationReport();
objReportDocument.Load(Application.StartupPath + @"\rptQuotationReport.rpt");
obj.crysQuotationReport.LogOnInfo = objAPM.ConnectionDetails("SD_SalesOrderReport;1");
obj.crysQuotationReport.LogOnInfo = objAPM.ConnectionDetails("SD_GetBatchReportDetails;1");
obj.crysQuotationReport.ReportSource = objReportDocument;
objReportDocument.SetParameterValue("@QuoteID", ValQuoteID);
objReportDocument.SetParameterValue("Type", Type);
//objReportDocument.Subreports[Application.StartupPath + @"\BatchSubReport.rpt"].SetParameterValue("@QuoteID", ValQuoteID);
//objReportDocument.Subreports["BatchReport.rpt"].SetParameterValue("@QuoteID", ValQuoteID);
string[] Print = objAPM.GetPrintDetails();
SetPrintParameters(objReportDocument, Print);
objReportDocument.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, FilePath);
catch (Exception ex)
Sending parameter to Subreport
//objReportDocument.Subreports[Application.StartupPath + @"\BatchSubReport.rpt"].SetParameterValue("@QuoteID", ValQuoteID);
//objReportDocument.Subreports["BatchReport.rpt"].SetParameterValue("@QuoteID", ValQuoteID);
////objReportDocument.SetParameterValue("@QuoteID", ValQuoteID,"BatchReport.rpt);
nothing worked.I have already wasted two days on this. [SD_SalesOrderReport;1]
main SP and [SD_GetBatchReportDetails;1]
subreport SP.
It would be great if someone can provide a solution for this.If there are some changes to be made in designed please share images.Thank you.
Finally after lot of trails, I have solved it.May be this will be helpful to others.I have used the same parameter Name for Main and SubReport, used below code to set its parameter
Well, this is really helpful for me as my problem has been solved with the following code.