After moving to mac os sierra, I completely formatted my mac now I'm facing problem to install cocoapods, every time I run sudo gem install cocoapods --pre
every thing installed well, and when I try to install a pod, the terminal stack on Setting up CocoaPods master repo
Already updated the system with sudo gem update --system
and still got the same problem, searched online to found old answers to use pod install --verbose
Ss I found in THIS answer fail again tells to install it manually.
NOTE : I have the latest version of 'Command Line Tools'. Any suggestion or how to install master repo manually?
In my first installation, I got the same problem too, it takes too much time in "setting up master repo".
Actually, you can see it through "activity monitor" that it's actually downloading, but it seems the connection is slow from the server.
Try these steps, it solves my problem:
It will do "setting up master" again, don't wait, continue these steps below:
It takes less than 7 minutes for me (I think it depends on internet connection), then I can do
pod install