We have an app that calls a SOAP web service and retrieves a long list of XML, which the app then parses into an NSArray
of NSDictionary
objects. The NSArray
contains a list of Rental Apartment information, each of which is stored into an NSDictionary
The entire list may contain 10 different types of Apartments (i.e. 2-room, 3-room), and we need to split the NSArray
into smaller NSArray
s based on Room-Type, which has the key "roomType" in the NSDictionary
Currently our algorithm is
- Use
[NSArray valueForKeyPath:@"@distinctUnionofObjects.room-type"]
to obtain a list of unique room-type values. - Loop through the list of unique room-type values
- For each unique room-type value, use
to retrieve matching items from the Original list
Our code is below (renamed for clarity):
NSArray *arrOriginal = ... ...; // Contains the Parsed XML list
NSMutableArray *marrApartmentsByRoomType = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
NSMutableArray *arrRoomTypes = [arrOriginal valueForKeyPath:@"distinctUnionOfObjects.roomType"];
for(NSString *strRoomType in arrRoomTypes) {
NSPredicate *predicateRoomType = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"roomType=%@", strRoomType];
NSArray *arrApartmentsThatMatchRoomType = [arrOriginal filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicateRoomType]; // TAKES A LONG TIME EACH LOOP-ROUND
[marrApartmentsByRoomType addObject:arrApartmentsThatMatchRoomType];
However, step 3 is taking a long time as the original list may contain large amount (>100,000) of items. It seems that NSPredicate
goes through the entire list for each key value. Is there a more efficient way of splitting a large NSArray
into smaller NSArray
s, based on NSDictionary
Improving @Jonathan answer
Maintaining the same order as it was in original array
//Converting from dictionary to array again...
Hope, It will help when client wants final array in same order as input array.
This is quite performant
If the order of your splited Arrays is not important, i have a solution for you: